EEEP  1/2005


Редакционен коментар

И. Симеонов 3

I. Човек и биосфера

Установяване на физиологичен стрес при растителност чрез използване на спектрални данни

Р. Кънчева, И. Илиев, Д. Борисова, С. Чанкова, В. Капчина         4

Количествена оценка на въздействието на емисиите от производството на азотни торове върху здравето на хората и околната среда

С. Костова, А. Грънчарова, Д.. Бояджиев, И. Грънчаров, А. Лекова         10

Влияние на слънчевата активност върху естествения гама фон – юни 2004

В. Милославов         19

Предизвикано мнение: за и против трансгенните сортове

М. Янкулов         25

II. Микроорганизми и околна среда

Разнообразие на микробните почвени съобщества на о. Ливингстън – Антарктика

Я. Райковска, В. Чипева, Я. Топалова, Н. Чипев, П. Мончева         28

Сорбция на медни и кобалтови йони от видове на род Penicillium

К. Цекова, В. Денчева, М. Янис, С. Ганева         36

III. Технологии за пречистване

Динамика на седиментацията на тривалентни железни йони в биодисков реактор

Л. Николов, В. Маматаркова         42

Департамент по биопроцесно инженерство на института по механично процесно инженерство на университета в Карлсруе

Кл. Постен         52

IV. Лесобиология и лесотехника

Генетични ресурси на обикновения дъб (Quercus robur L.) в северна българия и възможности за тяхното съхраняване

Г. Хинков         59

Еколого-лесовъдска характеристика на резерват “Юлен”

В. Колев         65

V. Екологични институции и организации

Балканска екологична мрежа

Г. Пухалев         71

In Memoriam

Проф. Ал. Нейков         73

(1942 – 2005)


Установяване на физиологичен стрес при растителност чрез използване на спектрални данни

Р. Кънчева, И. Илиев, Д. Борисова, С. Чанкова, В. Капчина         4

Detection of plant physiological stress using spectral data

R. Kancheva, I. Iliev, D. Borisova, S. Chankova, V. Kapchina

 Abstract: Ecological problems relevant to anthropogenic impacts on the environment and first of all on the biosphere, are of global importance and draw the attention of various scientists. They impose the necessity of efficient means for assessing the effects of anthropogenic factors especially on vegetation land covers. The heavy metal pollution is one of the most severe problems concerning natural vegetation resources as well as agricultural crops. Among the different methods used for plant phytodiagnostics an increasing role become to play the spectrometric ones. The radiation behavior of land covers lies at the root of the spectrometric studies. The visible and near infrared (0.4 - 0.9 mm) measurements have proved abilities for vegetation monitoring. The reason is that this wavelength range reveals significant sensitivity to plant biophysical properties. The information is carried by the specific vegetation spectral characteristics which depend on such plant parameters as biomass amount, leaf area, cover ratio, chlorophyll content, etc. These parameters are associated with plant development and are closely related to vegetation physiological state. In this study multispectral data of transmitted by peas leaves irradiance in the (540-800) nm spectral range have been used to show the possibility for detection of plant physiological stress caused by heavy metal pollution. The effects of CdCl2 applied in different concentration are associated with plant chlorophyll and carotenoid variations.

Количествена оценка на въздействието на емисиите от производството на азотни торове върху здравето на хората и околната среда

С. Костова, А. Грънчарова, Д.. Бояджиев, И. Грънчаров, А. Лекова         10

 Quantification of environmental and human health impacts from fertilizer production in Bulgaria

S. Kostova, A. Grancharova, D. Boiadjiev, I. Grancharov, A. Lekova

Abstract. The goal of this paper is to present some of the existing in the literature methods for quantitative assessment of harmful impacts of production emissions on the human health and environment. The methods are integrated in a general methodological framework. The proposed framework is applied to damage assessment and decision making in production of nitrogen fertilizer in Bulgaria.

Влияние на слънчевата активност върху естествения гама фон – юни 2004

В. Милославов         19

Solar activity impact on the natural gamma background – June 2004

V. Miloslavov

Abstract: This paper presents data from long observations of the gamma background on the territory of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (BAS-INRNE), Sofia, over the period from 01..06 till 30.06.2004, processed according to the Method of natural background precise measurements. Results were compared with the Internet data for solar wind – speed and proton density for the same period. An impressive correspondence was found, which was explained with the dependence of the natural gamma background on values, related to the Sun’s condition.

Предизвикано мнение: за и против трансгенните сортове

М. Янкулов         25

Pro and contra transgenic varieties

M. Yankulov

Abstract: With the development of genetics and plant breeding, increases the possibility in a variety’s genetical complex to be included a gene from another plant or even animal species. This extraordinary - from our point of view - scientifical intervention in the natural process of reproduction and development of living organisms, generates among people a certain fear, that the consummation of a product, deriving from such a variety, may represent a threat to mankind’s genetical future. When we oppose to the intention of using transgenic varieties in agricultural production, we should take into consideration that any genetical improvement of a plant or animal species, either in the process of natural evolution or by means of conventional selection, is impossible without the modification of a specimen’s genetical constitution or of genetical structure of an entire population. These genetical modifications are the consequences of mutation, removal or addition of genes, or of genes` new combination and recombination in a specimen’s genetical complex, as well as the combination of entire chromosome sets of two or more plant species. These modifications can be accomplished in two basic manners: sexual and asexual. In reference to the usage of plants` natural sexual process, the gene transfer may only be accomplished between species of close relation, whereas in genetic laboratories there is even possible genes to be transferred from animal to plant species and contrariwise. Exactly this possibility causes the inconvenience in peoples` minds and generates the fear of using transgenic varieties. Howsoever, is the apprehension that transgenic varieties and their products may present a ganger for human’s and domestic animals` genetic future, still justified? Taking into consideration that including alien genes into peoples` or animals` genome by means of food is impossible, leads us to the conclusion, that transgenic varieties are as innocuous as others, resultant from conventional methods of selection.

Разнообразие на микробните почвени съобщества на о. Ливингстън – Антарктика

Я. Райковска, В. Чипева, Я. Топалова, Н. Чипев, П. Мончева         28

Diversity of soil microbial communities in Livingston island – Antarctica

Y. Raykovska, V. Chipeva, Y. Topalova, N. Chipev, P. Moncheva

Abstract: Microbiological analysis of three Antarctic soil examples from Livingston Island was performed. The quantity of microorganisms from different systematic groups (bacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts, and fungi) as well as physiological groups (from nitrogen cycle, cellulose-degrading and 2,4-DNP utilizing microorganisms) was determined. It is shown that all systematic groups of microorganisms – bacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts and fungi present in soil in Livingston Island. The number of bacteria predominates over the number of the other groups. The numbers of microorganisms from the physiological groups, which participate in a cycle of nitrogen is great. The soil of Livingston possesses potential to degrade phenols and its derivatives.

Сорбция на медни и кобалтови йони от видове на род Penicillium

К. Цекова, В. Денчева, М. Янис, С. Ганева         36

Sorption of copper and cobalt ions by species of genus Penicillium

K. Tsekova, V. Dencheva, M. Ianis, S. Ganeva

Abstract: Living and non-living biomass of three species of genus Penicillium were used for sorption of copper and cobalt ions from aqueous solutions. The biomass of P. cyclopium seemed to be the best biosorbent for the ions investigated. P. cyclopium living cells accumulated copper and cobalt ions by two processes: the first, which was metabolism – independent, was presumably cation binding to the cell surface and this was followed by slowly uptake of relatively small amounts of the cations. The killing of the fungal biomass in boiling water decreased the uptake of copper and cobalt ions up to 20 and 12 %, resp. In this case the process ran as an adsorption of the ions on the cells surface. Linear plots of log (qf – qt) versus t showed that the kinetics of the sorption of the both ions on P. cyclopium follows the Lagergren equation. The Kad values were calculated to be 3,62.10-2 and 3,46.10-2 min-1 for the copper and cobalt ions, resp.

Динамика на седиментацията на тривалентни железни йони в биодисков реактор

Л. Николов, В. Маматаркова         42

Dynamics of sedimentation of ferric ions in biodisk reactor

L. Nikolov, V. Mamatarkova

Abstract. Formation and increase of quantity of sediments in laboratory scale biodisk reactors has been investigated. Due to negligible difference between the content of main components of biofilms of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and jarosites, the basic results have been obtained using experimental data from published studies on biofilms. Thus it has been found that the velocity of jarosite accumulation in the biodisk reactors did not depend on iron ions concentration and rate of oxidation. On this basis, zero order kinetics of sedimentation process has been assumed.

Департамент по биопроцесно инженерство на института по механично процесно инженерство на университета в Карлсруе

Кл. Постен

Bioprocess engineering “bio-ag” of the Institute of mechanical process engineering at the University of Karlsruhe

Cl. Posten         52

Abstract: The paper is to present the R&D activity of the Bioprocess Engineering "Bio-AG" division of the IMPE at the Karlsruhe University (Germany). The main trends of the activity are determined as advanced research in three main directions - clean and environmental friendly operations, production of compounds with high degree of reduction or antimicrobial activity and cheap outdoor production. The specificity of the main bioprocess systems studied in each direction like photobioprocesses and particle-processes is revealed and main achievements are outlined. Some of original apparatus designs are discussed. The sources of R&D financing are analyzed and the experience to involve the industry in the fundamental studies is shared.

Генетични ресурси на обикновения дъб (Quercus robur L.) в северна българия и възможности за тяхното съхраняване

Г. Хинков         59

Genetic resources of the English oak (Quercus robur l.) in northern Bulgaria and possibilities for their conservation

G. Hinkov

Abstract: Widely spread in the past the forests of English oak (Quercus robur L.) in northern Bulgaria recently are threatened by extinction. This imposes investigation on the available genetic fund and taking measures for its conservation and restoration. On the base of already existing information and personal studies genetic resources for “in situ” conservation - seed stands, reserves, natural parks, protected sides and “ex situ” conservation – progeny and provenance trails, are pointed out. Recommendations for differentiation of seed regions for the English oak, as well as concrete activities according to the pointed out conservation categories, are presented.

Еколого - лесовъдска характеристика на резерват “Юлен”

В. Колев         65

Ecological and forestry characteristics of the “Yulen” reserve

V. Kolev

Abstract: The Mediteranean influence, the high altitudes, the steep and ravine relief, the silicate soils , ”Demyanica” river and its tributaries play an important role at the formation of the sites and types of conifer forests in the reserve “Yulen”. Depending on their biological peculiarities the conifer trees form mixed and pure stands at different exposures, altitudes inclinations and soils.