EEEP  1/2002


И. Симеонов                                                3

I. Замърсяване на биосферата

Железопътният транспорт и околната среда

Ал. Тошев, Й. Петков                                   4

Метод за оценка средното превишаване на допустимите шумови нива във функционалните зони на града

М. Чучкова, С. Симеонова                            12

II. Технологии за пречистване

Биогаз-технологиите като регенеративен източник на енергия в Източна Европа

Е. Фуггер                                           17

Изследвания върху съхраняване на Tiobacillus ferrooxidans и възстановяване на окислителната им активност

В. С. Маматаркова                             22

Вoден дефицит в басейна на река Върбица и възможности за преодоляването му

Г. Бърдарска, Х. Добрев                    29

III. Биоинформатика и биоавтоматика

Изследвания и управление при опазване на околната среда, основаващо се на пилотни обекти и симулатори за реално време

М. Метзгер                                         36

Изследване влиянието на параметрите върху техническите характеристики на бананотрод

В. Рангелова                                               43

Метапопулационна концепция - същност и перспективи>

Д. Симеоновска-Николова                           49

Компютърна система за видеоденситометрични изследвания на изображения на ДНК – структури на микроорганизми

Е. Чорукова, В. Митев                                  54

IV. Лесобиология и лесотехника

Състояние и практически мерки за генетично запазване на избрани видове (Abies alba Mill., Picea abies (L.) karst., Taxus baccata L.)

А. Александров                                 60

V. Екологично и устойчиво земеделие

Еêîëîãèчíî è óñòîéчèâî çåìåäåëèå - íåîáõîäèìîñò çà ïîñòèãàíå íà èêîíîìèчåñêè ðàñòåæ

À. Ìåõàíäæèåâ                                  63

VI. Нови книги

Укротените порои в България

А. Александров                                  70

VII. Национални и международни научни форуми

Европейска конференция по аерозолите

Е. Коен                                                        71

VIII. Екологични институции и организации

Изпълнителна агенция по околна среда

Ат. Каймакчиев                                           73

EEE Foundation

К. Велев                                            76

30 години институт по въздушен транспорт

Т. Петков                                           78

In Memoriam

Проф. дгмн Васил Тодоров Въчев

(23. 08. 1935 – 2. 11. 2001)                           79



Железопътният транспорт и околната среда

Ал. Тошев, Й. Петков

Rail transport and environmental protection. Achievements of European countries

Al. Toshev, J. Petkov                                    

Abstract. Two aspects of comparatively limited impact of the rail transport on the environment are discussed on the basis of the achievements of developed countries in Europe: a) taking fields for building of new road beds and b) influence on the soils and ground waters. Some parallels and comparisons of these impacts with the same of the other transports are made.


Метод за оценка средното превишаване на допустимите шумови нива във функционалните зони на града

М. Чучкова, С. Симеонова

Methods for assessment of the mean exceeding over permissible noise levels in the functional urban areas

M. Chuchkova, S. Simeonova                        

Abstract. The presented method for assessment of the mean exceeding over the permissible noise levels in the particular urban functional areas meets the necessity to precise the acoustic regime assessment and determination of the real noise loading of the urban environment – its functional areas and sites subject to fortified noise protection.

Биогаз-технологиите като регенеративен източник на енергия в Източна Европа

Е. Фуггер   

Biogas-technologies for regenerative energy supply in Eastern Europe

E. Fugger                                          

Abstract. The paper is to present the biogas demonstration project ”REGENERATE”, which is carried out within the EU-programme INCO-COPERNICUS. This project aims at the provision of clean and efficient energy technologies to countries of Eastern Europe (CCE/NIS) by utilisation of indigenous resources from agricultural waste. The general objective of the project is to contribute to a re-orientation of energy policy in Eastern Europe by introduction, demonstration and dissemination of efficient technologies / methods for regenerative energy supply. For this purpose biogas demonstration plants for anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste are installed in the partner countries, connected with dissemination of results and support for the implementation of national biogas-programmes.

Изследвания върху съхраняване на Tiobacillus ferrooxidans и възстановяване на окислителната им активност

В. С. Маматаркова

Investigations on preservation of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and recovery of their oxidation activity

V. Mamatarkova                                 

Abstract. The influence of temperature and time of Thiobabillus ferrooxidans conservation on potentiality to recover their oxidation activity has been investigated. It has been found that during rather long period of conservation (up to 4 months) at 4±0,5oC and 19±1oC these microorganisms keep their high activity to oxidize ferrous iron.

Вoден дефицит в басейна на река Върбица и възможности за преодоляването му

Г. Бърдарска, Х. Добрев

Lack of water in Varbitza river basin and possibilities for its overcoming

G. Bardarska, H. Dobrev                      

Abstract: There is a lack of water for water supply and ecosystems in summer time in Varbitza river basin. Its overcoming by usage of local water reservoirs and water treatments are presented.

Изследвания и управление при опазване на околната среда, основаващо се на пилотни обекти и симулатори за реално време

М. Метзгер

Investigations of advanced control in environment protection based on pilot plants and real-time simulators

M. Metzger                                         

Abstract. The purpose of the paper is to present the research activities of the CSCE group in the field of advanced control in environment protection. The research investigations deal with the application of real-world pilot plants, well equipped with professional control equipment and with application of real-time simulators (virtual plants and virtual controllers).

Изследване влиянието на параметрите върху техническите характеристики на бананотрод

В. Рангелова        

Investigation of the influence of system parameters over technical characteristics of a banan biosensor

V. Rangelova                                               

Abstract. A theoretical model for describing of the tissue biosensor system for measuring of neurotransmitter dopamine is given. The system is cosubstrate sensitive amperometric. Simulation for investigation of  influence of system parameters over technical characteristics is done. Some results are given.

Метапопулационна концепция - същност и перспективи

Д. Симеоновска-Николова

Metapopulation conception - essence and perspectives<

D. Simeonovska-Nikolova 

Abstract: The present notions about metapopulations are treated in this work. Some of  perspectives of metapopulation conception in the population ecology and genetics, conservation biology and landscape ecology are discussed.

Компютърна система за видеоденситометрични изследвания на изображения на ДНК – структури на микроорганизми

Е. Чорукова, В. Митев

A computer system for videodensitometric investigations of DNA structures of microorganisms

E. Chorukova, V. Mitev                                 

Abstract. The created system realizes direct computer-added processing of electrophoretic images, obtained from DNA fingerprinting gels. It offers an opportunity for accumulation of databases from videodensitometric images simultaneously processing the stored data. Reliable classification of microobjects can be processed. It is based on cluster analysis and artificial neural networks. Dendograms provide the graphic presentation of the results. An expert system assists the classification procedures.

Еêîëîãèчíî è óñòîéчèâî çåìåäåëèå - íåîáõîäèìîñò çà ïîñòèãàíå íà èêîíîìèчåñêè ðàñòåæ

À. Ìåõàíäæèåâ

Ecological and sustainable agriculture – condition for economical increase

A. Mehandjiev                                              

Abstract. The scientific paper presents the basic characteristics of the sustainable agriculture: yield stability, rentability of crop production; high profitability; marketing; sustainable management of resources; product quality; research impact on production.

Ecologization of agriculture means application of technologies without use of pesticides, increase of soil fertility; effective crop rotation; use of varieties resistant to biotic and abiotic stress; high food quality with low content of antinutritional substances.