EEEP  4/2004



Editor's comment

I. Simeonov             3

I. Human and Biosphere

About the new and old cars and the quality of air

S. Kamenova, Zh. Bekyuarova        5

Regenerative sources o f energy and environment

A. Toshev, J. Petkov, D. Apostolov          13

II. Microorganisms and Environment

Potentional applications of mixed bacterial communities in EDTA biodegradation

V. Ivanova, A. Tonkova, A. Vassileva, M. Safarikova                                   21

III. Technologies for depolution

Ecological assessment of a new technology of the methane fermentation of domestic organic wastes

B. Baykov, I. Chukanov, B. Zaharinov                                                32

Basic phenomena in the bioprocess systems with fixed film on solid inert suppor ts. Part I. Apparatus and experimental strategies

L. Nikolov, V. Mamatarkova                                                              39

IV. Bioinformatics and bioautomatics

Intelligent software sensors application for microbial biodegradati on of naphthalene

S. Vassileva, B. Tuleva, N. Christova, P. Pet rov                                49

V. Forest biology and forest engineering

Genetic resources of Sorbus Torminalis (l.) Crantz in the region of Preslavsko -Dragoevska mt

G. Georgiev                                                               57
VI. Ecological and sustainable agriculture

Possibilities for effective soybean cultivation in Bulgaria

Atanas Mehandjiev                                                                           61

VII. National and international scientific forums

National conference with young scientists school “Ecological Engineering and Envir onment Protection”            67

In Memoriam
Prof. A. Mehandjiev     (1931 2004)                         69

Eng. N. Jordanov      (1951 2005)                          70


About the new and old cars and the quality of air

S. Kamenova, Zh. Bekyuarova                                                         5

Abstract: In this research we present results for specific polluting emissions, discharged by motor vehicles at three characteristic Varna crossroads. Specific emissions (for a unit of time and a unit of length) are defined through emission coefficients according t o average results from data received by counting the traffic at the above mentioned crossroads for a different assumed age of the vehicles. We have found out that if vehicles registered before 1990 are stoped out of movement, emissions will be reduced as follows: nitrogen oxides 80-8 5 %, carbon oxid 60-70%, soot- 40-65 %.

Regenerative sources of energy and environment

A. Toshev, J. Petkov, D. Apostolov                                                   13

Abstract. World fuel reserves and possible perspectives of their consumption are discussed. Renewable energy sources supported by natural energy carrier are shown as alternative. They are considered as inexhaustible. A principal review of the most perspective renewable energy sources is made.

Potentional applications of mixed bacterial communities in EDTA biodegradation

V. Ivanova, A. Tonkova, A. Vassileva, M. Safarikova                 21

Abstract. The large qua ntities of polyaminopolycarboxylic acids, such as EDTA, DTPA, NTA, used commercially in a variety of domestic products and industrial processes, are not degraded by conventional biologi cal and physicochemical methods for the treatment of waste water and the purification of drinking water. These chelating agents, EDTA in particular, had thus become the measurable organic compound with the highest concentration in many surface waters and in drinking water. To date, only few microorganisms have been reported to degrade EDTA. So me microbiological aspects of the biodegradation of this complexing agent, catabolic steps in EDTA degradation, and biological methods for the removal of this chelating agent from the waste waters are reviewed.

Ecological assessment of a new technology of the methane fermentation of domestic organic wastes

B. Baykov, I. Chukanov, B. Zaharinov                                               32

Abstract: An ecological assessment was d one on the technology of biogas production from domestic organic waste according t o two criteria: level of mineralization of the substrate and content of biogene and toxic microelements in the compost. Optimal parameters were determined of temperature and content of dry substance in t he substrate. It is proved that the domestic organic waste can be used by methane fermentation.

Basic phenomena in the bioprocess systems with fixed film on solid inert supports. Part I. Apparatus and experimental strategies.

L. Nikolov, V. Mamatarkova                                     39

Abstract: Main features of the biofilms formed on the solid inert supports as the ma in part of the industrial bioprocess systems with fixed film are described on basis of analysis of literature. In this first part the role of most applicable laboratory apparatuses and experimental methods to research of nature of these systems is discussed. Special attention is paid to the laboratory biofilm reactor in connection with their key role in the biofilm system investigations.

Intelligent software sensors application for microbial biodegradation of naphthalene

S. Vassileva, B. Tuleva, N. Christova, P. Petrov                                49

Abstract. Software sensors were designed by different artificial intelligence techniques and their application is presented on a batch biotechnological process of biodegradation of naphthalene by Bacillus subtilis 22BN. Studying the process of microbial degradation of poorly soluble compounds is a major problem in the biotechnological sanitation of solid wa stes and polluted soil. Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs ) are example of poorly water-soluble compounds that form an environmental problem. Naphthalene degradation was expressed in two ways – directly, by measuring the percentage of residual naphthalene and indirectly, by determining the concentration of the major intermediate metabolite salicylic acid. Developed sensor models are compared for salicylic acid and biodegradation prediction by implementing three different methods.

Genetic resources of Sorbus Torminalis (l.) Crantz in the region of Preslavsko - Dragoevska mt

G. Georgiev                                       57

Abstract: The investigation on the genet ic resources of forest tree species is an important task revealing the genetic diversity of the forest fund. The object of this study is the genetic resou rces and form variability of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz in the region of Preslavsko-Dragoevska Mt., which are scantily investigated. This tree species is characterized by valuable wood and its fruits are with high nutritive quality. Field investigations on habitats of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz. were establishing in some experimental plots. Inventory measurements and phenotype assessment was carried out. The breeding and genetic peculiarities of the species were studied as well.

Possibilities for effective soybean cultivation in Bulgaria

A. Mehandjiev                                                        61

Abstract: On the basis of an analysis of national experience and achievements in the field of soybean cultivation its potentialities are discussed and the main trends of development in Bulgaria are formulated. Special attention is paid to the methods for creation of new sorts of soybean, compatible with t he natural specificity of Bulgaria as well as with all the requirements of the modern agriculture sciences.