EEEP 4/2003


Editor's comment

I. Simeonov 3

I. Human and Biosphere

Energy consumption and air pulution of the ground transport

A. Toshev, J. Petkov 5

EIA and the strategic environmental assessment concept

N. Chipev 15

Urban noise in Bulgaria

M. Chuchkova , S. Simeonova 24

II. Microorganisms and Environment

Copper ions uptake and enzyme production of Aspergillus niger d-iv-8 during the growth in raw starch-containing medium

K. Tsekova 30

III. Technologies for Depolution

Effect of the biosurfactant complex produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens on the growth and permeability of bacterial isolates from wastewater ecosystem

E. Vasileva-Tonkova, D. Galabova 37

Peculiarities of the research organization in bioprocess engineering. Part 2. Pros-pecting for object of investigation

L. Nikolov 42

IV. Bioinformatics and Bioautomatics

Biosensor information & measurement systems

A. Neykov, N. Stoyanov 54

V. Forest Biology and Forest Engineering

Health condition and biological damages of the beech (Fagus silvatical.), oaks (Quercus spp.) and austrian black pine (Pinus nigra arn.) in the region of Vitinya and Staro Oryahovo

B. Rosnev, P. Mirchev, P. Petkov, G. Georgiev 66

VI. From our Experiance.

Methodology for analysis of emissions in air

Ts. Mihailov, M. Petrova 69


Energy consumption and air pulution of the ground transport

Toshev, J. Petkov

Abstract. Specificity of the ground transport, which includes automobile and railway transportation is discussed. On the basis of he comparative analysis of the data of energy consumption and air pollution caused by these two types of transport it is shown that the railway transportations of goods and passengers are more ecologically advantageous.

EIA and the strategic environmental assessment concept

N. Chipev

Abstract: The appearance and development of EIA systems is briefly reviewed. The concept of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is introduced. The development of SEA and its philosophy are investigated. SEA aims to incorporate environmental and sustainability considerations into strategic decision making processes, such as formulation of policies, plans and programs. In order to be effective, the assessment must take the real decision making process as the departure point. Existing SEA approaches are frequently tailored after an EIA model conceived from a rational perspective on decision-making.

Urban noise in Bulgaria

M. Chuchkova , S. Simeonova

Abstract: The existing acoustic situation, determining in many cases the quality of life of the residents is subject to objective assessment necessary for revealing better perspectives for its improvement and overcoming negative health effects. The results from measurements of noise levels in Bulgarian towns (1999-2002) have been compiled and presented in tables after ranges. The significance of the introduced method for assessment of mean exceed of the admissible noise levels in the individual functional areas of the town in response to the emerging necessity of précising the acoustic regime assessment is outlined. The results of the implementation of this method in the capital districts “Vazrazhdane” and “Liulin” are herein presented.The conclusions underline the critical moments in the characteristics of the urban environment affecting the dissemination and burden of effect of urban noise.

Copper ions uptake and enzyme production of Aspergillus niger d-iv-8 during the growth in raw starch-containing medium

K. Tsekova

Abstract: The fungus Aspergillus niger D-IV-8 produced glucoamylase, α-amylase and acid phosphatase during the growth in the presence or absence of copper ions in raw starch–containing medium. The levels of enzyme activity depended on the copper concentration in the medium. The production of enzymes was growth – associated. The copper uptake by mycelia was highest when the levels of cellular acid phosphatase activities were maximal. The growth process was more slightly inhibited than the process of enzyme production.

Effect of the biosurfactant complex produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens on the growth and permeability of bacterial isolates from wastewater ecosystem

E. Vasileva-Tonkova, D. Galabova

Abstract. The effect of the biosurfactant complex produced by hexadecane grown Pseudomonas fluorescens HW-6 on the growth, permeability and hydrophobicity of some members of the water ecosystem were studied. The surface-active complex was effective towards the growth of some slow-growing on hexadecane members of the water ecosystem studied. The influence of crude biosurfactant on permeability and hydrophobicity was investigated on resting cells of some Gram (+) and Gram (-) isolates. The results obtained indicated efficiency of the secreted biosurfactant complex and make it a promissing potential for application in bioremediation of polluted environments.

Peculiarities of the research organization in bioprocess engineering. Part 2. Pros-pecting for object of investigation

L. Nikolov

Abstract. The importance the prospecting for object of investigation as one of the main phases of the R&D activity organization in the Bioprocess Engineering is justified. The main stages of this activity are discussed using methodology developed in this study on the basis of System Approach and Program-Target Method. An attempt is made to introduce fuzzy indices for perspective assessment of the objects of investigation like "information index", "effectiveness" and "implementation potentiality". The basic considerations about the financing of R&D activity during the prospecting for object of investigation are analyzed.

Biosensor information & measurement systems

Ŕ. Neykov, N. Stoyanov

Abstract: Biosensor systems for multicomponent analysis developed during the last two decades are revised. They are classified in three groups according: biological sensitive elements; construction of bioreceptors and transducers; sequence of receiving and processing information. The paper also is focused on recent achievements of biochip technology and micro Total Analysis Systems.

Health condition and biological damages of the beech (Fagus silvatical.), oaks (Quercus spp.) and austrian black pine (Pinus nigra arn.) in the region of Vitinya and Staro Oryahovo

B. Rosnev, P. Mirchev, P. Petkov, G. Georgiev

Abstract: The health condition of Fagus sylvatica L. (Vitinia), Quercus spp. and Pinus nigra L. plantations in the region of Staro oriahovo was investigated. The dimension of damages is established and the main fungal and insect pests are pointed (Nectria sp. and Rhynchaenus fagi on the beech, Hypoxylon mediterraneum, Lymantria dispar, Malacosoma neustria, etc. on the oaks and Shaeropsis sapinea on the Austrian black pine.