EEEP 2-3/2008




Editor's comment

N. Chipev                                              6

I. Biological Diversity

Floristic biodiversity and habitats of Kostinbrod municipality

K. Vassilev, Hr. Pedashenko, R. Vassilev        7

Zooplankton of the Pomoriysko lake – composition and alterations

L. Pehlivanov, V. Vasilev, G. Hiebaum          12

Paleoecological reconstructions of holocene localities of birds and mammals (Aves et Mam­malia – Vertebrata) in North-Eastern Bulgaria

I. Mitev                                                            16

Prognostication of brown bear’s (Ursus Arctos L.) numbers in Bulgaria

I. Petrov                                                          21

II. Adaptation Mechanisms of the Living Systems

Effect of the high winter temperatures on the development of barley biotypes

G. Mihova, I. Iliev                                            25

Effect of some complex fertilizers on barley
development under abiotic stress

G. Mihova, N. Nenov                                      34

Dynamics of growth in diameter of dendrocoenoses with edificatory Fagus Sylvatica L. in Central Balkan range

Hr. Tsakov                                                      40

III. Anthropogenic Impact on the Living Nature

Whole-cells biosensors – principals and opportunities of using for on-line monitoring

S. Chankova, B. Petroff, K. Petrov                45

Anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid

B. Dimiskovska, T.  Petrovski                         52

Heavy metal, uranium and phenol derivatives pollution in Bulgarian and German environments as a factor influencing the bacterial

G. Satchanska, S. Selenska-Pobell,
V. Groudeva, R. Dimkov, E. Golovinsky        61

Restoration of woody vegetation in dead spruce forests inBistrishko branishtereserve after IPS Typographus L. outbreak

R. Efremov, Hr. Hristova                                66

The flowering mown as an ecological type plant­ing design in the park-planning practice

Tz. Kouneva , Z. Kabatliyska, B. Atanassova     71

IV. Ecological Agriculture

The influence of different concentrations of copper (CuSO4·5H2O) and zinc (ZnSO4·7H2O) on some biochemical-physiological parameters in pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.)

S. Stavreva-Veselinovska, J. Zivanovik,
M. Djokik                                                         76

Heavy metals content in some vegetables grown in the basin of Bregalnitsa river

S. Stavreva-Veselinovska, J. Zivanovik,
M. Djokik                                                         85

New early apple cultivars suitable for ecological fruit production under mountain conditions

Hr. Dinkova                                                         95

Feeding preferences of the collembolans Onychiurus Fimatus Gisin and Folsomia Candida Willem with interaction with Pseudomonas Fluorescens in the suppression of the sugar beet seedling disease caused by Pythium Ultimum trow

L. Koleva, B. Ulber, G. Wolf                           99

A study on the effect of the environmentally friendly fertilizer Humustim on the quality of pot chrysanthemum in Bulgaria

Y. Kotopanova, D. Nencheva                        103

Production costs and labour productivity of
organic apple production

I. Radomirska                                                106

Bacterial fertilization of soybean – an efficient alternative of nitrogen fertilization

G. Milev                                                         111

In vitro propagation of elephant grass (Miscanthus Sinensis X Giganteus)

S. Atanassov, N. Zapryanova, D. Nencheva,
Atanassova                                              115

Effect of boron application on productivity and rhizosphere microflora of alfalfa

R. Altimirska, A. Markova                              119

Response of alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) on single and mixed inoculation

R. Altimirska, A. Markova                              123

Ecological assessment of some intensive factors in maize cultivation

R. Toncheva, P. Stoyanov, Hr. Pchelarova  127

Ecological and technological aspects of soil tillage and fertilization in field crops grown

M. Borissova, F. Dimitrova                            132

Optimizing of pre-sowing cultivation and nutrition of wheat for obtaining of sustainable yields and quality production

F. Dimitrova, M. Borissova                            136

V. Ecological Education

Brief review of the history of the nature protection in Bulgaria

Z. Boev                                                          140

Interactive program “Lilium”

S. Bistrichanov, G. Grigorov, I. Ivanova,
A. Kaninski, G. Trenchev                              150