EEEP  2/2004


Editor's comment

I. Simeonov 3

I. Human and Biosphere

The impact of natural and human-induced changes in the river flow and the climate on flood plain ecosystems in the middle "Elbe" river basin

J. Kouzmina 5

Evaluation of the potential aviation noise pollution after aerodrome "Albena" construction

T. Petkov, I. Angelov, M. Georgiev 16

Ecological risk assessment or if risk assessment is the answer, what is the question?

S. Bratanova-Dontcheva, N. Chipev 25

The problem “Genetically modified organisms (GMO)”

N. Nikolov 35

II. Microorganisms and Environment

Microbiological study of the biofilm fouling in the cooling tower basins of two recirculating cooling water systems at a petroleum refinery plant

Z. Tsvetanova, I. Dobrevski 37

Behaviour of yeast and actinomycetes popylations, cultivated in a hemostat with and without influence of insecticide

E. Vacheva, D. Denchev, J. Bebova 44

III. Technologies for Depolution

A posybility for optimizing of hydrodynamical parameters of an air difuser for waste water aeration

D. Trifonov 50

IV. Bioinformatics and Bioautomatics

Mathematical model of the anaerobic biodegradation of waste activated sludge from municipal wastewaters tretment plants

D. Karakashev, I. Simeonov, D. Galabova, L. Stefanova, S. Yordanov 58

V. Fortes Biology and Forest Engineering

Genetic resources of the sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus l.) in the Elena-Tvarditsa part of the Balkan mountain and methods for their reservation

D. Pandeva ` 68

VI. New books 73


The impact of natural and human-induced changes in the river flow and the climate on flood plain ecosystems in the middle "Elbe" river basin

J. Kouzmina

 Abstract: The complex ecological researches (hydrology, vegetation, soils, unconfined ground waters) were made in the broad-leaved forest zone of Central Europe nature reserves located on the banks of the rivers Elbe (Germany). The natural and antropogenical conditions of terrestrial ecosystems along the course of the rivers (regulated and natural flow) were compared. The significant negative influence of low-dammed (low-confined hydrotechnic) construction and small reservoirs on vegetation and soils of floodplain was revealed. On the basis of analysis of the trends of mean annual water level, flow and atmospheric precipitation on the multi-years series on the rivers the significant influence of natural long-term variability of watering on vegetation dynamics in the floodplains has been discovered. The own Assessment method of consequences change of river flow regime under building small and middle hydrotechnical constructions for floodplain ecosystems is submitted.

Evaluation of the potential aviation noise pollution after aerodrome "Albena" construction

T. Petkov, I. Angelov, M. Georgiev

Abstract: The results on the investigation of potential noise pollution due to new small aerodromes were presented. The noise contours area was established by modeling in the view of evaluation of the necessary healthful aerodrome area. The natural level of ground noise was measured for evaluation of the exist noise background. According to the established noise values it was concluded that the potential noise pollution due to Albena aerodrome would not have any negative influence on the inhabited area.

Ecological risk assessment or if risk assessment is the answer, what is the question?

S. Bratanova-Dontcheva, N. Chipev

Abstract: the concept of ecological risk is briefly reviewed. the basic definitions and the theoretical background of ecological risk are presented. the basic steps of ecological risk assessment are described and discussed. it is suggested that the scientific basis and methodology of ecological risk assessment should be urgently further developed.

Microbiological study of the biofilm fouling in the cooling tower basins of two recirculating cooling water systems at a petroleum refinery plant

Z. Tsvetanova, I. Dobrevski

Abstract: Field studies of the biofilm fouling in two recirculating cooling water systems (RCWS) of Petroleum Refinery Plant Plama Ltd. were carried out. Chemical and microbiological characteristics of the biofilms developed on biofilm collector test surfaces (coupons) in contact with the cooling water were determinated. The experimental results showed the important role of the attached microbial growht resulting in biofouling and corrosion of the metal surfaces in contact with the cooling water.

The biofilms on the surfaces exposed in the both RCWSs were of complex composition and contained the same physiological groups of bacteria, including corrosion related ones. The quantities of different microorganisms in the biofilm developed on the surfaces in the RCWS-4 were larger than in the RCWS-5.

Behaviour of yeast and actinomycetes popylations, cultivated in a hemostat with and without influence of insecticide

E. Vacheva, D. Denchev, J. Bebova

Abstract. The aim of this publication is to investigate the reactions and character of interaction of mono- yeast and actinomycetes populations, cultivated in a hemostat with and without the insecticide l -cyhalothrin. The quantities of biiomass, tthe residual starch-like carbon substrate, the formatted and utilized glucose and the amylolotyc enzyme complex have been analyzed, in depending on dilution rate (D) of l -cyhalothrin. It has been found that the inhibition effect of the insecticide is not connected with the process at hydrolysis of starch, but with the metabolism of glucose. The yeast population is more stable at low dilution rate and it displaces the actinomycetes. Natural selection has an opposite effect at high D, which is due to competition for the substrate.

A posybility for optimizing of hydrodynamical parameters of an air difuser for waste water aeration

D. Trifonov

Abstract: The paper discusses the influence of diffuser pressure loss in waste water aeration on the efficiency and the energy costs of the aeration process. The characteristics of a conventional type of a diffuser are investigated with respect to the pressure loss and the effect of two types of porous membranes and non-return valves on the common pressure loss of the diffuser. A simplified design of a non-return valve is suggested with lower pressure loss at different flows of the input air, which increases the possibility to decrease the energy costs of the waste water aeration process.

Mathematical model of the anaerobic biodegradation of waste activated sludge from municipal wastewaters tretment plants

D. Karakashev, I. Simeonov, D. Galabova, L. Stefanova, S. Yordanov

Abstract. A mathematical model of the anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge from a municipal wastewaters treatment plants has been developed. It is a modification of known models with addition of two specific biochemical processes, participating in the anaerobic biodegradation – syntrophic acetate oxidation and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. The model has been validated through laboratory experiments with puls increasing of ammonia and simulation studies. Static characteristics have been derived using this model.

Genetic resources of the sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus l.) in the Elena-Tvarditsa part of the Balkan mountain and methods for their reservation

D. Pandeva

Abstract: The natural distribution range of Acer pseudoplatanus L. in Bulgaria includes all mountain areas between 250-300 m and 1000-1100 m altitude. The subject of the present investigation is establishment of the form variability of this species in the region of Elena-Tvarditsa part of the Balkan Mt. According to the bark fissuring three main forms were described. Close relation was found between the type of bark fissuring and the ecological demands of the corresponding forms. As the sycamore is not considered as threatened species its genetic resources are conserved mainly in situ through seed stands, plus trees and in the national parks and reserves.