EEEP 1/2007



Editor's comment

I. Simeonov                                 3

I. Human and Biosphere

Characterization of bed sediments in the hyporheal of the Iskar river

L. Kenderov                                         4

Investigation of hydrochemical parameters of the Vaya lake and their influence on the quantitative composition of plankton invertebrates

E. Nenova, S. Tishkov, M. Shishiniova                      13

II. Microorganisms and Environment

Bacterial and macroinvertebrate communities structural analysis in relation to chemical variables of water and sediments in the central part of the Iskar river basin

D. Parvanov, Y. Topalova, I. Janeva                         21

Effect of anthraquinone-2-sulfonate on Acid Black 1 decolorisation, enzymological and microbiological characteristics of real activated sludge

M. Grekova-Vasileva, Y. Topalova                                            31

III. Technologies for Depolution

Technologies for fluid treatment. Part 2.
Technological link of pollutants destruction. Interactions of the destructive process with the apparatus and operating regime

L. Nikolov, V. Mamatarkova                                      41

IV. Bioinformatics and Bioautomatics

Mathematical modelling of the gas pollution in the Stara Zagora city by SO2 from “Maritsa - Iztok 2”

I. Ivanov, P. Pavlov                                                   53

V. Forest biology and forest engineering

Structure and regeneration processes in natural coniferous ecosystems in the northern Rila mountains

N. Stoyanova, D. Pandeva, D. Zlatunova, M. Sijacic-Nicolic                 65

Spread of black poplar (Populus Nigra L.) along the upper flow of the Maritsa river

D. Pandeva, Y. Naidenov                                                                        71

Determination of avalanche events by analysis of tree rings of Pinus Peuce

M. Panayotov                                                                                           75