EEEP  1/2004


Editor's comment

I. Simeonov 3

I. Human and Biosphere

Plant biotechnology for food and environment sustainability

D. Djilianov, A. Atanassov 5

Ecological safety in home

I. Videnova, D. Nedyalkov 8

Mapping of landscape dynamics in the delta of the Amudarya river with the help of aerospace information

N. Novikova, O. Aldyakova 24

II. Technologies for Depolution

Influence of the non-equilibrium sorption on the contaminant transport in porous media

Radko M. Petkov 25

Effect of surfactants and sources of growth factors on the biogas yield from organic wastes

D. Karakashev, M. Ilieva, N. Fuchedjieva, D. Galabova, I. Simeonov 32

III. Bioinformatics and Bioautomatics

Application of anaerobic digestion modeling

D. Batstone, I. Angelidaki 44

The influence of the fluid density and viscosity in the mass transport process in porous media

Viktor Tanchev 55

IV. Ecological institutions and organi-sations

Management program of the Government of Republic of Bulgaria "Environment and waters protection" 61

Department "Microbial ekology" of the institute of microbiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

D. Denchev 71

V. Contents of the journal “EEEP” for 2003

In Bulgarian 73

In English 76


Ecological safety in home

Videnova, D. Nedyalkov

Abstract: In this work examine a question of information on major components of inhabited environment: atmospheric air of dwelling and drinking water, about importance of some harmful factors of inhabited environment and their probable influence on the man.

Mapping of landscape dynamics in the delta of the Amudarya river with the help of aerospace information

N. Novikova, O. Aldyakova

Abstract: Under consideration are the methods of cartographic monitoring over the landscape dynamics in the region of Aral ecological crisis – in the area of South Prearalye, including the part of the Amudarya delta and the dried sea bottom. The GIS-technology and the database, elaborated within the framework of HATO project SFR No. 974101 were used for these purposes. A comprehensive information on the recent state of landscapes was obtained by aerospace and routine field surveys. Based upon the obtained data a dynamic position of every landscape type was determined. As a result, the map has been compiled to show and assess the development of dangerous exogenic processes, such as soil salinization, eolian deflation and accumulation and suffusion.

Influence of the non-equilibrium sorption on the contaminant transport in porous media

Radko M. Petkov

Abstract. It’s often assumed that sorption process reached moment equilibrium in the modeling of subsurface transport of organic substances, which means that the process is very short in the temporary scale of the transport phenomena. Numerous studies show that the admission of sorption equilibrium is inapplicable for the most natural systems. However the limited desorption influence not only on the transport but can also strongly influence on the biosuitability and on the technologies for recovery through pumping out and treatment. As the laboratory and field experiments prove that non-equilibrium or velocity limited zones in the most cases could define the role of the sorption for the equilibrium and transport of the dissolved substance. The measurements of the sorption of a contaminant often show two-stage path to the equilibrium consisting of start period of quick raising, which could be of the order of minutes or hours followed from the continuos period of relatively slow raising, setting for days, weeks or months. The processes participating in non-equilibrium conditions in the subsurface systems could be divided in three separated categories: a) physically provoked; b) chemically provoked and c) provoked by the in-between transport. The physical conditions of non-equilibrium ordinary origin from the macro size or heterogeneity in the size of the pores in the inflow regime, which is a result from the domains of mobilized and immobilized water. The regime of immobilization can be connected with the inner porosity of the soil’s aggregates, the porosity of the bedrock in segmented geological formations and regions with low hydraulic conductivity in heterogeneous porous medium.

Effect of surfactants and sources of growth factors on the biogas yield from organic wastes

D. Karakashev, M. Ilieva, N. Fuchedjieva

Abstract. The influence of two surfactants – biosurfactant and chemical surfactant, and two sources of growth factors – yeast extract and peptone, on the biogas yield from organic wastes, digested in laboratory conditions, was studied. It was found that surfactants have short-term stimulating effect on the biogas yield. The results obtained revealed that yeast extract can be used for taking out of the anaerobic digestion from failure. This product showed better stimulating effect on the biogas yield than peptone.

Application of anaerobic digestion modeling

D. Batstone, I. Angelidaki

Abstract. Anaerobic digestion is a widely applied technology for treatment of waste, and renewable energy generation. However, diversification has suffered from both perceived and actual limitations. Many of these are related to poor understanding of the process, and its limitations. One tool to address this is dynamic process modeling, which is applicable to most end-users and researchers. Anaerobic digestion is a complex process, and until recently, detailed, specialist knowledge was required to apply modeling. This has now been simplified with publication of the IWA Anaerobic digestion model No. 1 (ADM1), which is a generalized model proposed by the related taskgroup, and detailed in a Scientific and Technical Report. In this abstract, we describe motivations for using models of anaerobic digestion, explain general concepts for modeling in mixed reactors, and demonstrate application in an actual manure digester, and a theoretical activated sludge digester. The theoretical system is a modification of a benchmark activated sludge system, and uses whole plant modeling (with the ASM1) to evaluate the influence of aerobic sludge age on the secondary sludge digester. As compared to experimental data, the model is very capable of describing both dynamic, and static conditions, and is also effective when used to analyse the theoretical system. The publication of the ADM1, and related implementation in a number of simulation packages has simplified application, and use of anaerobic modeling for process analysis is useful, and applicable for general practitioners and scientists.

The influence of the fluid density and viscosity in the mass transport process in porous media

Viktor Tanchev

Abstract: One of the priority tasks of environmental protection is the protection of underground water from contamination. It for the development of mathematical models it’s necessary to taking into account the largest possible number of components affecting the processes of underground water pollution and numerical methods for their more precise solution. This paper studies the influence of the fluid density and viscosity on the mass transport of pollutants in porous media. Comparison was made of the movement of the polluting front with constant and varying density and viscosity.